Welcome to the Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland Website
The Association run three very successful events throughout the year, starting with the Scottish Top Gundog, Scottish Top Gundog Puppy and Scottish Top Gundog Veteran matches, qualified from points gained at Championship and Open Shows throughout the year, run in conjunction with the AGM.
The Open Show is held at the beginning of the calendar year and is well attended by Gundog enthusiasts from all over Scotland and North of England, traditionally this is held on alternate years in Lanark and Perth.
The climax of the year is the Championship Show held in November at Ingliston, near Edinburgh. This regularly attracts in excess of 1500 gundogs from all over the UK.
At the 2011 Championship Show a Members’ lounge was introduced and proved to be a great success.
Also in 2012 we introduced reduced entry fees for members at both our Shows as well as an opportunity for members to advertise on this website also at special rates.
Finally, this website is a work in progress so we would welcome any positive feedback and suggestions.
GBAS Commitee

Gordon Haran
Catherine Mason
Nicola Sturrock

Sandra Sturrock
Breed Representatives & Management Committee

Welsh Springer Spaniels

Marion Waddell
German Shorthaired Pointers

David Shields
English Springer Spaniels
Lynn Jamieson
Gordon Setters

Angus Macara

Cameron Stokes
American Cocker Spaniels

Nicola Sturrock
Irish Setters

Donna Club
Hungarian Viszlas

Caroline Campbell
Labrador Retrievers

Jennifer Flynn
Flat Coated Retrievers

Jim Richardson​
Golden Retrievers

Irish Water Spaniels

Irene Glen
Italian Spinones
Curly Coated Retrievers

Mhiari Vallance
English Setters

Chloe Clelland
Cocker Spaniels

Gordon Mackenzie

Jenna Green

Chloe Green
Honorary Life Presidents

Late Mary McCance

Margaret Struthers
Junior Associate Committee Members